Saturday, May 29, 2010

Candice Caught a Delicious Bass!

Cas and I went fishing off our dock last night, the first time for her in about 15 years!  Of course she was the only one to catch anything.  The sun was getting low when Candice threw her line out with a tasty worm on the end.  Out of nowhere, bam!  She was using a crappy old reel with the drag set wrong and the fish took off.
    Like a pro she held on and brought it to the dock where I hauled it out with a net.  It was the biggest fish either of us had caught.  We had to call a guy from the refuge to help us figure out what it was and if we should eat it.  Leaving it in a cooler for the night, we got up just after dawn to clean it.  I walked Cas through the process but she did it all by herself and was awesome.
  We'll eat like kings tonight and let you land lovers know what it's like!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Soooo... what kind of fish was it?!--Tiff