Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Nate's a Blog Hog

At your request, this is a little about the goings on with Cas. Nate is gone at Falkner banding chicks so now's my chance. Had my friend Jaime over last weekend to the island from NYC. We fished and ate the fish, tanned, talked, watched fireworks and sailboats, painted on driftwood, had a bonfire, and all kinds of super fun. We plan to visit her in NYC soon. My sis Chandra lives an hour from here so I get see her and the kiddos often which is great. My bro Chad keeps winning money in singing competitions and now he is playing a 40 min. set in Polk City at the summer festival, so go give him support and hire him to play your wedding. My friend Katie is about to pop with an Independence Day baby which is exciting. I'm painting and sanding and plastering, not in that order, the Outer Island kitchen this week, so check back for before and after pics. Jaime really loved the new guest room. Come and try it out. Love!


Katie and Chris said...

Yay! A post about Candice... and I got a shout out! Woot woot! :) love you guys!

Katie and Chris said...
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the momma said...

We can't wait!!