Sunday, June 13, 2010

What to do, what to do

    I'm trying to come up with stuff to post but when it comes down to it, there's really only so much to do on an island.  Candice has been plastering the walls that have a lot of moisture damage, and I'm doing some plumbing inside and at the outdoor composting toilet.  There's yard work to do, and visitors to greet.  But over all not a lot to report.  So, if there is anything you folks would like to hear about go ahead and post a comment.  I'm sure a lot of what we do I am taking for granted and will be more interesting to you.  It's weird how that works.  You talk to people with incredible lives and to them it's just a job.  Don't get me wrong, we love it here and are totally grateful for God's blessings, I just don't know what to write about.

1 comment:

Jen Greenwood - IA said...

I request more photos of your living quarters. Specifically, where do you drink your morning coffee? Read your bible? How & where do you wash your clothes? What kind of foods are you feasting on these days (besides enormous black sea bass)? And, what about this composting toilet that you speak of? Is it indoors or in an outhouse? Oh, and by the way, do you always hang your fly-swatter beside you cooking utensils? :o) Finally, what a cute picture of the two of you. I wonder who snapped that fantastic candid?!?! Miss you guys!